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Curriculum Design

Knowledge of and ability to use the methods, tools and techniques required to develop an instructional delivery system that meets the learning needs of a given population in a timely fashion.

Behavior Statements

Proficiency Level 1 - Basic understanding

Seeks basic concepts behind designing a solution to address a learning need.

Clarifies general principles that one can follow in creating a curriculum.

Identifies alternative delivery approaches and associated design considerations.

Documents examples of the specific learning events and interventions that comprise a curriculum.

Proficiency Level 2 - Working experience

Analyzes the learning and development level of an assigned/given population.

Defines key learning objectives for an assigned/given population for a specific curriculum.

Helps design and develop training courses for a specific curriculum.

Explains the pros and cons of alternative curriculum delivery approaches.

Assesses the reusability of existing curricula and training components.

Proficiency Level 3 - Extensive experience

Designs and develops training curricula for multiple and diverse populations.

Guides others in conducting assessments to determine students' level of understanding.

Consults on integrating internal and external training components and defining learning objectives for a variety of programs, courses and modules.

Evaluates an organization's curriculum for alignment with program outcomes, learning methods, and assessments.

Interprets how different components shape the design of curriculum.

Presents and justifies proposed curricula to senior management.

Proficiency Level 4 - Subject matter depth and breadth

Oversees the development of managerial and professional curricula within the organization.

Develops the evaluation criteria for course content, sequence, relevance and timeliness of proposed curricula.

Leads the promotion of organizational best practices in curriculum design.

Predicts market trends and the changes caused by development of new technologies and approaches.

Shapes learning strategies for a particular organization or for a school's curriculum.

Leads discussions on the theoretical background and practical measures for sustainable development of curriculum design.

Interview Questions

  • How do you tailor your curricula based on the preferred learning styles of the individuals being trained?
  • What steps do you take to ensure your curricula meets the needs of the particular individuals or groups being trained?
  • Tell me how you have improved organizational operations through thoughtful curriculum design.
  • What problems have you encountered when defining learning objectives?
  • Tell me about your experience in selecting curriculum delivery approaches.

Titles with Shared Competencies