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Data Privacy

Knowledge of and ability to protect an organization’s data to ensure privacy during the process of storage and communication.

Behavior Statements

Proficiency Level 1 - Basic understanding

Defines the term 'data privacy' in business situations.

Describes common technologies that ensure the privacy of an organization's data.

Identifies general guidelines for accessing, communicating and storing confidential data.

Cites organizational examples of data privacy protection.

Proficiency Level 2 - Working experience

Uses software and hardware systems to protect departmental data.

Utilizes privacy standards when sharing, accessing and storing data.

Conducts regular tests on information management processes to ensure the safety of business data.

Coordinates junior data privacy protection activities within and across departments.

Assists in the development of data privacy protection projects.

Proficiency Level 3 - Extensive experience

Advises others on advanced technologies for data privacy protection.

Oversees the compliance of data privacy policies among users.

Designs data privacy testing procedures within the organization.

Collaborates with colleagues, partners and clients in protecting data privacy.

Evaluates the costs and benefits of various data privacy protection projects.

Consults users on how to develop a complex data privacy protection project.

Proficiency Level 4 - Subject matter depth and breadth

Establishes processes to confidently share, access and store data.

Monitors industry directions and market trends for data privacy protection.

Advocates the use of leading technologies to secure data safety in business environments.

Provides insight into data privacy protection policies.

Leads in planning and implementing data privacy protection projects.

Leads data privacy protection discussions among internal and external stakeholders.

Interview Questions

  • Can you describe any loopholes in data management policies that you experienced in your previous company?
  • Describe your experience with data privacy protection projects.
  • What kinds of data privacy situations were under your supervision last year?
  • How have you enhanced an organization's data safety in the past?