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Academic Assessment

Knowledge of academic assessment methods and activities; ability to assess research and instructional programs and review students’ learning outcomes to ensure achievement of academic objectives and strategies.

Behavior Statements

Proficiency Level 1 - Basic understanding

Identifies the major functions and activities of academic assessment.

Describes the purposes and objectives of academic assessment.

Lists the forms, approaches and indicators used in academic assessment.

Collects information on the performance of curriculum, research and instructional programs.

Proficiency Level 2 - Working experience

Assists in implementing assessment programs to review students' learning outcomes.

Selects appropriate assessment forms and indicators for a specific academic assessment program.

Follows established assessment procedures to examine the quality of instructional and research programs.

Analyzes problems in teaching and learning based on existing assessment records.

Delivers academic assessment reports detailing student learning outcomes.

Proficiency Level 3 - Extensive experience

Develops and implements a comprehensive assessment program to achieve desired academic results.

Trains others on designing appropriate assessment indicators for a specific academic program.

Prioritizes various academic assessment activities according to the progress of an academic assessment project.

Compares and contrasts the effectiveness of a variety of academic assessment methods and approaches.

Incorporates external academic institutions' assessment standards into internal assessment practices.

Evaluates the results of academic assessments and recommends solutions for improving student learning outcomes.

Proficiency Level 4 - Subject matter depth and breadth

Deploys an advanced academic assessment system throughout the institution.

Develops academic assessment strategies according to the institution's mission and vision.

Establishes industry-wide policies and processes for academic assessment.

Stays abreast of industry trends and market development of academic assessment.

Creates new methods for improved academic assessment and advocates their application on a wide-spread scale.

Articulates the historical background and future perspective of academic assessment.

Interview Questions

  • Describe your past experience with academic assessment in your previous institution.
  • How did you apply academic assessment methods and approaches in reviewing student learning outcomes?
  • What kinds of problems did you encounter when implementing an academic assessment program?
  • How did you design academic assessment indicators for a specific academic institution?
  • What were the summarized results of an academic assessment program you implemented in an institution?

Titles with Shared Competencies