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Research Document Components

Knowledge of and ability to create research document components that supplement the main body of the document, such as tables of contents, indexes, glossaries and technical abstracts of research documents.

Behavior Statements

Proficiency Level 1 - Basic understanding

Identifies the importance of having references for research and development work.

Describes common components (such as glossaries and indexes) of a reference.

Lists main resource types (such as books and publications) that are recommended for R&D assignment.

Introduces considerations and techniques in the development of references.

Proficiency Level 2 - Working experience

Analyzes relevant research and development papers and their implications for the organization.

Reviews resources to decide final selections.

Writes junior-level references for given topics.

Reports and updates supervisors on the accuracy and validity of references.

Follows required formats and standards of reference development.

Proficiency Level 3 - Extensive experience

Creates complete, high-level references independently.

Coaches other colleagues on reference development techniques and considerations.

Coordinates interdepartmental references to ensure accuracy.

Monitors the quality of other colleagues' reference development work.

Develops the standards and formats in a reference development function.

Evaluates reference development best practices amongst professionals.

Proficiency Level 4 - Subject matter depth and breadth

Leads discussions on key challenges and solutions in a wide range of reference development cases.

Champions the latest techniques and tools to reference development work.

Establishes best practices of reference creation within a given area.

Creates regulations and processes for other reference development colleagues.

Shapes the overall organization's approach to creating references.

Interview Questions

  • What are common components included in the references section?
  • Which kinds of references have you developed?
  • What was your supervisor's feedback on your reference development performance?
  • What are main problems or challenges that arise when creating references?
  • How did you successfully implement new techniques and tools for reference development?

Titles with Shared Competencies