Research Documentation
Knowledge of and ability to utilize tools and techniques for producing well-written, meaningful and usable documentation of research findings.
Behavior Statements
Describes the difference between research documentation and other types of documentation.
Assesses the components of a research document.
Obtains style manuals and handbooks that describe correct documentation procedures.
Reviews numerous research documents and explores the manner in which they were constructed.
Assists in the preparation of research documentation.
Applies word processing to produce tables of contents, footnotes and other document components.
Embeds tables of research data into documents.
Explains the organization's process for drafting, editing and publishing formal research studies.
Prepares bibliographies for research documents.
Designs, writes and publishes numerous research documents on diverse topics.
Determines which types of graphs and charts to use to best communicate research findings.
Edits and revises research documents written by others.
Guides others on the proper method for citing, footnoting and documenting other researchers' work.
Evaluates procedural differences between hardcopy publishing versus web publishing documentation.
Facilitates implementation of websites designed to contain published research.
Consults on documenting research findings.
Updates internal standards and procedures for writing and publishing research studies.
Develops pro forma templates that could be used as a basis for creating research documents.
Leads discussions on the differences in research documentation styles for diverse fields of study.
Establishes case studies to understand the differences between well-written and poorly-written documentation.
Authors research studies; uses them as examples for others to follow.
Interview Questions
- Describe a common challenge you faced as you developed research materials. How did/would you overcome or mitigate this challenge?
- How did your organization review research materials and reconcile errors or omissions?
- Explain how you would edit a peer's research materials and provide feedback.
- How would you describe your writing style? Do you prefer working on your own or collaborating with others?
- Tell me about a research document you worked on.