Self-Directed Growth And Development
Understanding of the necessity of continuous personal growth; ability to gauge one’s strengths, limitations and interests, and use of this knowledge for purposes of performance effectiveness and self-development.
Behavior Statements
Explains how self knowledge is relevant to work.
Provides examples of ways in which strengths and limitations can impact professional performance.
Describes several approaches to personal growth.
Names organizational resources and tools for pursuing self-development.
Assesses own strengths and limitations relative to assigned tasks.
Explains process for determining own strengths and limitations.
Explores own motivation and initiative and how it relates to the workplace.
Receives and uses feedback on work-related situations.
Uses a specific approach or assessment instrument to increase knowledge of self.
Uses a variety of resources to assess own abilities, interests, values, and limitations.
Assesses various work situations or settings versus own strengths and limitations.
Seeks out and relies on others in areas of own limitations.
Articulates what was learned in situations where view of self differed from view of others.
Seeks out and listens non-defensively to feedback on self from variety of colleagues.
Creates realistic and attainable program of professional development for self.
Works to create a climate where self-knowledge is sought after, respected, and wisely used.
Seeks complementary capabilities to improve professional and business effectiveness.
Coaches others in pursuing improvement plans for personal and professional limitations.
Demonstrates an ability to cope with personal and professional challenges.
Discusses marketplace experience with self-awareness tools, techniques and implications.
Monitors industry for new tools and approaches to self-knowledge for use inside organization.
Interview Questions
- What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses?
- How would you handle a situation where you know your weaknesses will be evident.
- Describe a time when others were not happy with your performance and what you did about it.