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Research Assistant II


Assists researchers under minimal supervision by performing a variety of scientific tasks. Independently conducts a wide array of standard laboratory techniques and procedures using judgement when necessary to adapt standard methods and techniques.

Examples of Work

Job functions are specific duties that would be included in the essential functions of the job description.  These functions are not all-inclusive nor do they cover the full extent of the duties performed.

  • Independently conducts a wide array of standard laboratory techniques and procedures. Uses judgement when necessary to adapt standard methods and techniques.
  • Assists researchers in a variety of scientific fields by performing tests, processing samples, collecting data, setting up and operating equipment, and maintaining laboratory stock.
  • Provides interpretation and initial analysis of results. Troubleshoots and modifies procedures.
  • Limited ability to troubleshoot and modify procedures.
  • May assist in designing experiments to complete a segment of overall research plan. May provide routine equipment maintenance.
  • May provide guidance and training to department personnel.

Education and Experience

A bachelor’s degree in an appropriate area of specialization and three years of experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience.

Licensure and Certification





To see common career pathways for each position at the University of Florida please visit the Career Paths section of the UFHR website.