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Accuracy And Attention To Detail

Understanding of the necessity and value of accuracy and attention to detail; ability to process information with high levels of accuracy.

Behavior Statements

Proficiency Level 1 - Basic understanding

Explains the importance of accuracy in own function or unit.

Identifies tasks or outputs that require accuracy and detail-level attention.

Describes consequences of errors within own unit or function.

Identifies the procedures for making sure that results are mistake-free.

Proficiency Level 2 - Working experience

Processes limited amounts of detailed information with good accuracy.

Utilizes specific approaches and tools for checking and cross-checking outputs.

Develops and uses checklists to insure that information goes out error-free.

Accurately gauges the impact and cost of errors, omissions, and oversights.

Learns from mistakes and applies lessons learned.

Proficiency Level 3 - Extensive experience

Processes large quantities of detailed information with high levels of accuracy.

Productively balances speed and accuracy.

Implements a variety of cross-checking approaches and mechanisms.

Evaluates and makes contributions to best practices.

Demonstrates expertise in quality assurance tools, techniques, and standards.

Employs techniques for motivating personnel to meet or exceed accuracy goals.

Proficiency Level 4 - Subject matter depth and breadth

Supports and communicates the organization's quality management process.

Discusses the value and associated costs of formal walkthroughs.

Designs techniques for measuring the cost and impact of errors.

Evaluates manual and electronic tools and techniques for enhancing accuracy.

Coaches others in methods of identifying and correcting errors, oversights and omissions.

Monitors the industry for new tools and techniques in assuring accuracy.

Interview Questions

  • Give me an example of a time you paid close attention to detail and how it helped you avoid a mistake.
  • Tell me about a time when paying too close attention to details has hindered you and how you resolved it.
  • What process do you use to make sure you don't miss any details before a project is completed?
  • Do you think that less than 100% accuracy is acceptable? In what situation?
  • Tell me about something you did that helped others improve the accuracy of their own work.

Titles with Shared Competencies