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Content Evaluation

Knowledge of media and publication policies and audience needs; ability to determine the merit, quality and consistency of current information and presentation.

Behavior Statements

Proficiency Level 1 - Basic understanding

Identifies the key features and functions of content evaluation.

Lists the main media forms that require content evaluation, for example, books, magazines, and broadcast programs.

Cites organizational examples of content evaluation, including problems and their significance.

Describes how to continuously develop skills in content evaluation.

Proficiency Level 2 - Working experience

Obtains audience needs regarding broadcast, print and web products.

Cooperates with literary agencies to select high quality manuscripts.

Determines the merit, quality and consistency of manuscripts/materials.

Communicates with writers of manuscripts and other materials for publication to correct any outdated or misrepresented information.

Adheres to media and publication policies throughout the content evaluation process.

Proficiency Level 3 - Extensive experience

Advises how to reach audiences through works of fiction and/or non-fiction.

Explores various channels, such as literary agents, to gather quality manuscripts/materials for a selected topic.

Monitors the accuracy, creativity and validity of content provided in materials.

Recommends solutions for key operational issues and considerations in content evaluation.

Evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of the latest media and publication policies.

Analyzes the concepts, methodologies and technologies of content evaluation for key industry players.

Proficiency Level 4 - Subject matter depth and breadth

Develops standard procedures and policies for content evaluation within an industry, such as book publishing.

Predicts industry and marketplace trends and directions for content evaluation.

Creates a standard system for effectively acquiring audience/reader needs.

Leads in determining the merit, quality and consistency of manuscripts/materials.

Establishes best practices for gathering valuable and reliable manuscripts from writers.

Shares insights and concerns regarding existing media and publication policies; offers suggestions for policy improvement.

Interview Questions

  • What are some common problems that occur when analyzing audience/readers' content needs?
  • Describe key industry media and publication policies.
  • How many channels have you developed to gather quality manuscripts from writers? Describe how these channels have benefited your organization.
  • Predict industry and marketplace trends and directions in content evaluation.
  • What was the feedback you've received on the content of print/broadcast/web products you have evaluated?

Titles with Shared Competencies