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Knowledge of, and ability to carry out, strategies and tasks that support the mission and goals of the leader and the organization.

Behavior Statements

Proficiency Level 1 - Basic understanding

Explains key concepts of exemplary followership.

Identifies styles of followership and associated behaviors or characteristics.

Accepts and provides honest and respectful feedback.

Describes examples of ineffective followership and associated consequences.

Proficiency Level 2 - Working experience

Supports the leader's mission, vision, initiatives and priorities consistently.

Researches and provides insights into most issues, considerations and challenges of followership.

Completes tasks and inspires confidence in leaders by demonstrating honesty and integrity.

Assesses common risks and rewards of voicing or not voicing opinion.

Handles rejection and, when appropriate, abandons ideas graciously.

Proficiency Level 3 - Extensive experience

Communicates organizational objectives and how leader's vision supports these.

Elicits feedback and fosters a positive attitude toward leader, mission and projects.

Guides others to display courage and ability to voice concerns or dissent about difficult matters to the leader.

Teaches others how to be aware of own values and own leadership and followership styles.

Develops methods for anticipating what the leader needs or will need.

Generates information and anecdotes in the press, blogs, etc. to cultivate support for the leader.

Proficiency Level 4 - Subject matter depth and breadth

Coaches others in followership concepts and techniques.

Uses modeling and role-playing to help followers adapt to different leadership styles.

Evaluates follower performance based on efficacy, advancement and emergence.

Creates a climate and culture in which good followership and thoughtful dissent are encouraged.

Champions behaviors that move the organization to reach the leader's vision.

Consults on various approaches for voicing dissent effectively.

Interview Questions

  • What followership skills do you use successfully?
  • Tell me about a situation where a leader in your organization made an unpopular decision that affected you. How did you respond?
  • How have you helped others improve their followership skills?
  • Give me a few examples of situations where you successfully taken initiative in support of a leader's goals.

Titles with Shared Competencies