Analytical Thinking
Knowledge of techniques and tools that promote effective analysis and the ability to determine the root cause of organizational problems and create alternative solutions that resolve the problems in the best interest of the business.
Behavior Statements
Gives examples of how analytical thinking has been used to resolve problems.
Names specific tools or techniques that can be used to support the analytical thinking process.
Describes specific software applications or products used for business analytics.
Helps others research and learn more about business analytics tools and applications.
Approaches a situation or problem by defining the problem or issue and determining its significance.
Identifies the major forces, events and people impacting and impacted by the situation at hand.
Uses flow charts, Pareto charts, fish diagrams, etc. to disclose meaningful data patterns.
Uses logic and intuition to make inferences about the meaning of the data and arrive at conclusions.
Makes a systematic comparison of two or more alternative solutions.
Chooses among a diverse set of analytical tools according to the nature of the situation.
Identifies many possible causes for a problem based on prior experience and current research.
Quantifies the costs, benefits, risks and chances for success before recommending a course of action.
Seeks discrepancies and inconsistencies in available information; explains variances.
Organizes and prioritizes the sequence of steps to be taken to remedy the situation.
Approaches a complex problem by breaking it down into its component parts.
Designs and orchestrates the use of business analytics for strategic decision making.
Employs statistical and quantitative analysis, explanatory and predictive modeling techniques.
Helps others discover the diverse features, parameters, or considerations to take into account.
Implements operating metrics and performance gauges such as the balanced scorecard.
Champions the use of business intelligence applications for tactical and strategic decisions.
Monitors industry trends and directions and discusses possible impact on internal strategies.
Interview Questions
- Tell me about a project that would best describe your analytical thinking ability.
- How would you analyze a project if you were given large amounts of complex data and information?
- Give me a few examples of situations where you had to use different analytical tools and which ones worked best.
Titles with Shared Competencies
- Application Developer Analyst I
- Application Developer Analyst II
- Application Developer Analyst III
- Associate University Counsel
- Compensation Specialist I
- Compensation Specialist II
- Compensation Specialist III
- Finance Business Partner I
- Finance Business Partner II
- Finance Business Partner III
- Human Resources Assistant
- Human Resources Generalist I
- Instructional Designer III
- IT Analyst I
- IT Analyst II
- IT Analyst III
- IT Analyst IV
- IT Architect
- IT Generalist II
- IT Generalist III
- IT Generalist IV
- IT Project Manager I
- IT Project Manager II
- IT Project Manager III
- Producer I
- Producer II
- Producer III
- Project Manager I
- Project Manager II
- Project Manager III
- Senior Claims Attorney
- Senior Litigation Attorney
- Senior Loss Prevention Attorney
- Systems Admin/Programmer I
- Systems Admin/Programmer II
- Systems Admin/Programmer III
- Systems Admin/Programmer IV
- Systems Admin/Programmer V
- Telecommunications Applications Analyst I
- Telecommunications Specialist II
- Web Developer I
- Web Developer II
- Web Developer III