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Decision Making And Critical Thinking

Understanding of the issues related to the decision-making process; ability to analyze situations fully and accurately, and reach productive decisions.

Behavior Statements

Proficiency Level 1 - Basic understanding

Identifies issues and communicates with others when a decision needs to be made.

Identifies decision makers in own environment.

Explains steps in an effective decision-making process.

Describes types of decisions for incumbent in own job or function.

Proficiency Level 2 - Working experience

Assists in assessing risks, benefits and consideration of alternatives.

Participates in documenting data, ideas, players, stakeholders, and processes.

Applies an assigned technique for critical thinking in a decision-making process.

Recognizes, clarifies, and prioritizes concerns.

Identifies, obtains, and organizes relevant data and ideas.

Proficiency Level 3 - Extensive experience

Uses effective decision-making approaches such as consultative, command, or consensus.

Differentiates assumptions, perspectives, and historical frameworks.

Leverages experience in analyzing relevant data and assessing implications of alternatives.

Identifies decision options and points and predicts their potential impact.

Evaluates past decisions for insights to improve decision-making process.

Makes sure assumptions and received wisdom are objectively analyzed in decisions.

Proficiency Level 4 - Subject matter depth and breadth

Analyzes and discusses alternatives with multiple stakeholders.

Discusses optimal timing and circumstances for either refraining from or making a decision.

Coaches others in decision-making models, processes, and practices.

Differentiates between content and context of a decision.

Focuses on special issues and considerations for effective decision-making during a crisis.

Monitors industry for examples/models of critical thinking or decision-making.

Interview Questions

  • Tell me about a time you had to make an important decision and the process you used to make it.
  • How would you make a decision if you had conflicting opinions and information from various sources?
  • Give an example of using your past decisions to help improve your current decision-making process.
  • How have your past business decisions affected the financial goals of your last organization?

Titles with Shared Competencies