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Managing Multiple Priorities

Ability to manage multiple concurrent objectives, projects, groups, or activities, making effective judgments as to prioritizing and time allocation.

Behavior Statements

Proficiency Level 1 - Basic understanding

Explains basic concepts of time and priority management.

States own business priorities.

Describes team or unit priorities.

Seeks guidance in detecting and addressing priority conflicts.

Proficiency Level 2 - Working experience

Performs at least 2-3 concurrent activities without reducing productivity.

Completes current work according to assigned priorities.

Recognizes changing demands and priorities; validates changes with management.

Responds to day-to-day operational priorities while still making progress on project work.

Obtains information about how current assignments contribute to organizational goals.

Proficiency Level 3 - Extensive experience

Demonstrates an expectation that there will be ongoing shifts in demands and priorities.

Clarifies and handles multiple concurrent and diverse activities.

Addresses potential conflicts that impact current delivery commitments.

Works with or leads others to re-prioritize work and reschedule commitments as necessary.

Responds to shifting priorities while maintaining progress of regularly scheduled work.

Shifts focus among several efforts as required by changing priorities.

Proficiency Level 4 - Subject matter depth and breadth

Handles multiple initiatives at the same time and integrates them into a comprehensive plan.

Monitors complex or unforeseen dependencies and responds accordingly.

Ensures business priorities take first place and adjusts work effort accordingly.

Helps colleagues integrate strategic goals and tactical priorities.

Coaches others in prioritizing a multitude of critical, diverse and complex issues simultaneously.

Serves as an expert on tools and techniques for managing organizational-level priorities.

Interview Questions

  • Explain how you would react if one of your many projects with a later deadline shifted to a shorter deadline.
  • Give me an example of a time when your priorities shifted and you were able to maintain your regularly scheduled work.
  • Tell me about a time you had to complete multiple projects with similar deadlines and how you accomplished this.

Titles with Shared Competencies