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Strategic Thinking*

The ability to clarify and articulate direction, priorities, and a shared vision.

*This competency is part of the Management and Leadership Competencies at UF

Behavior Statements

Proficiency Level 1 - Basic understanding

Identifies the key elements of the business strategy.

Demonstrates the ability to articulate how own work supports the business strategy.

Explains how a sense of competition with industry counterparts can motivate greater productivity.

Seeks help to clarify elements of the strategy that are beyond the group's influence.

Proficiency Level 2 - Working experience

Implements the group's go-to-market strategy.

Makes sound recommendations when faced with complex and contradictory alternatives.

Raises awareness of potential strategic alliances and partnerships.

Explains elements of the strategy to others and encourages questions.

Monitors marketplace trends, opportunities, and vulnerabilities; reports findings.

Proficiency Level 3 - Extensive experience

Prepares the group's response to key marketplace trends, opportunities, and vulnerabilities.

Makes sound business decisions on behalf of the group when faced with complex and contradictory alternatives.

Directs strategic alliances and partnerships for mutual benefit.

Recommends ways to position the organization for long-term competitiveness.

Interprets available data and analyses when creating business plans.

Builds the strategic thinking capability of the group.

Proficiency Level 4 - Subject matter depth and breadth

Positions the company in anticipation of new marketplace trends, opportunities, and vulnerabilities.

Makes sound business decisions when faced with complex and contradictory alternatives.

Develops long-term strategic alliances and partnerships that increase the company's competitive advantage.

Equips the organization to become an effective long-term competitor.

Prepares for business decisions with thorough briefings and consultations.

Helps navigate the organization in a dynamic competitive landscape.

Interview Questions

  • What are some of the critical business drivers in this company/your current employer?
  • What are some ways in which you or your team has compensated for organizational weaknesses?
  • Thinking about how the business climate is changing, what strategic opportunities can you identify?
  • If a new competitor entered your market, what competitive response would you recommend to your executive team?

Titles with Shared Competencies