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Demonstrates the ability to make decisions authoritatively and wisely after adequately considering various courses of action.

*This competency is part of the Management and Leadership Competencies at UF

Behavior Statements

Proficiency Level 1 - Basic understanding

Identifies a defensible course of action from among alternatives.

Demonstrates the ability to follow directions.

Applies the concept of discernment to narrow a set of choices or rank-order options.

Seeks help to confirm or support difficult decisions.

Proficiency Level 2 - Working experience

Discerns between "signal" and "noise" when considering courses of action.

Selects the right activities to work on from a range of competing priorities.

Stands by decisions in the face of conflict or unexpected outcome.

Makes the transition from evaluation to conclusion readily and in a timely manner.

Revisits decisions when appropriate, but infrequently and without disrupting focus.

Proficiency Level 3 - Extensive experience

Seeks input from multiple sources to generate diverse ideas for decision making.

Sustains organization strategies over time by accurately analyzing tradeoffs in changing direction or staying the course.

Makes decisions that remain defensible beyond the short term.

Communicates decisions confidently and resolutely.

Remains steadfast in championing others' decisions that later come under scrutiny.

Coaches others to improve judgment and confidence in decision making skills.

Proficiency Level 4 - Subject matter depth and breadth

Secures commitment for decisions by communicating clearly and credibly to stakeholders.

Delegates responsibility for shaping plans through which decisions are executed.

Monitors execution of decisions to ensure consistency with original intention.

Empowers employees to develop sound judgment by minimizing the consequences of failure.

Assumes the blame for unsuccessful decisions.

Shares the credit for successful decisions.

Interview Questions

  • How would you make a decision if you had conflicting opinions and information from various sources?
  • Give an example of using your past decisions to help improve your current decision-making process.
  • Tell me about a time when a decision needed to be made but you realized that you weren't the best person to make the decision.
  • Tell me about one of the most important decisions you have ever had to make.
  • Tell me how a decision you made impacted business results.

Titles with Shared Competencies