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Role Model*

The ability to lead by behavior and example that others can emulate.

*This competency is part of the Management and Leadership Competencies at UF

Behavior Statements

Proficiency Level 1 - Basic understanding

Identifies personnel that serve as role models for courageous leadership.

Lists 10 characteristics (charisma, integrity, etc.) that distinguish leaders from non-leaders.

Provides examples of how leaders signal their goals, intentions, and attitudes through behavior.

Describes how a leader's mood affects group behavior and productivity.

Proficiency Level 2 - Working experience

Adopts the effective behaviors and techniques exhibited by role models.

Demonstrates leadership qualities: intelligence, dominance, persistence, integrity, confidence.

Manages own behaviors during interactions, such as feedback giving, to shape workplace events.

Accepts and provides honest and respectful feedback.

Employs leadership theories, such as contingency and transactional, and associated techniques.

Proficiency Level 3 - Extensive experience

Uses emotional contagion to affect the mood of group members, tone of group and group processes.

Initiates structure: role clarification, setting standards, holding subordinates accountable, etc.

Translates vision into specific functional or departmental initiatives.

Uses a normative decision model (with leadership styles and situational variables) to select style.

Employs various group decision-making methods depending on the situation.

Promotes efficacy through monitoring, coaching & motivating subordinates, intervention, etc.

Proficiency Level 4 - Subject matter depth and breadth

Serves as a role model as a listener.

Leverages diverse leadership styles: autocratic for speed, democratic for co-operation, etc.

Coaches others in leadership concepts and techniques, such as contingency & transactional.

Uses modeling & role-playing to improve the ability of leaders to manage own behaviors.

Champions behaviors that inspire cohesiveness and move the organization to reach a vision.

Monitors industry for leadership programs; implements programs within organization.

Interview Questions

  • How do you make sure that all of your team members are clear on the goals of the team and their individual roles in achieving that goal?
  • Tell me about a colleague that you have tried to model your leadership style after. What about that person's leadership appealed to you?
  • Were you ever personal friends with someone you had to lead or manage? How did you balance personal and professional relationships with that employee?
  • Tell me about a difficult choice you had to make as a leader. How did you come to your decision, and how did you defend it in the face of opposition (if any)?

Titles with Shared Competencies