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The intentional ability to work co-operatively with others; to be part of a team, and share information across and between work units

*This competency is part of the Management and Leadership Competencies at UF.

Behavior Statements

Proficiency Level 1 - Basic understanding

Demonstrates a basic understanding of the concept of collaborative processes.

Explains the concept of collaboration as applicable to organizations.

Provides examples of how collaboration has helped achieve organizational goals.

Contrasts collaborative with competitive operating styles in organizations.

Proficiency Level 2 - Working experience

Demonstrates experience participating in productive collaborative processes.

Under guidance, initiates collaborative meetings.

Assists in communicating shared goals with diverse groups and parties.

Helps promote collaboration across generations, functions, regions, and levels.

Helps solve business problems and meet business goals through collaborative processes.

Proficiency Level 3 - Extensive experience

Demonstrates experience engendering collaborative processes that lead to problem solving and the achievement of business goals.

Establishes shared goals to foster collaboration.

Ensures that everyone can access the same data and provide input into how business is conducted.

Redesigns physical areas to allow for collaboration and private time.

Deemphasizes divides; focuses on collaboration across generations, functions, regions, and levels.

Implements methods for people to come together on the fly to make decisions, solve problems, and develop products/services.

Proficiency Level 4 - Subject matter depth and breadth

Demonstrates experience shifting the organizational culture from information hording and internal competition to information sharing and collaboration.

Conceptualizes organizational structural changes to promote collaboration.

Designs recognition and reward systems that reward collaborative, rather than competitive, behavior.

Eliminates organizational tools (such as organization charts, performance reviews, and traditional meetings) that discourage collaboration.

Replaces performance reviews with results previews of collaborative work towards common goals.

Ensures that collaboration is not overused and does not result in too much time being spent on trivial matters, the diffusion of responsibility, and other counter-productive behaviors.

Interview Questions

  • What are some requirements for a successful collaboration to solve problems or meet goals?
  • How would you explain your organization's culture in terms of collaboration?
  • What trends in relation to collaboration have you noticed within this industry? What are the implications of these trends?

Titles with Shared Competencies